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Category Archives: Outside Events
Call for presenters at a language teaching conference
JALT (the Japan Association of Language Teaching) is made up of 34 regional chapters and 27 SIGs–special interest groups. There’s a national conference each year (this year it will be held in Kobe) and the other large-scale conference is the … Continue reading
Posted in Outside Events
Tagged conference, JALT, lifelong learning, teacher development
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An Invitation to the Spring 2013 TELL Training
Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2013 Telephone Counseling Training Program. No prior counseling experience is required. It’s a tremendous opportunity to take part in meaningful work that is challenging and rewarding. The training sessions will take place … Continue reading
Migrant Issues in Japan
The World Social Forum was held in Manila, the Philippines, in November 2012. For those who wish to know more about the issues that were addressed in that forum, a talk will be held by participants of the forum who … Continue reading
Lectures on English Education by Distinguished Speakers
Kanda University of International Studies will sponsor the following three keynote lectures on English education by leading scholars as part of their English Education Seminar series. EVENT: Open Lectures on English Education / 英語教育公開講座 WHERE: Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages … Continue reading
Women Joining Hands: An interesting panel discussion
On Saturday, December 15, Women’s Action Network and Greenpeace Japan will host a panel session, “From the Day-to-day Confusion to Politics: Women Joining Hands” as a part of the two-day event, Nuclear Free Now!. The panelists include Ueno Chizuko (Women’s Action … Continue reading
“Frames of Mind” film series
The movie “Good As It Gets” (starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt) will be shown as the last of a series of films, screened by the Tokyo English Life Line (TELL), that deal with the human condition. It will be … Continue reading
Free screening of the film “Glenn Gould Hereafter”
You are invited to a special screening of the film “Glenn Gould Hereafter,” a 2005 Canadian/ French documentary directed by Bruno Monsaingeon. Glenn Gould was a famous 20th century Canadian classical pianist. He is particularly well known as an interpreter … Continue reading
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Conference on Speech, Drama, Debate, etc.
The Lifelong Language Learning SIG (special interest group) of JALT will hold its mini-conference for teachers on November 3rd and 4th, 2012. It will be held with the cooperation of the Speech, Drama, and Debate SIG and the English Teachers … Continue reading
Posted in Outside Events
Tagged conference, debate, drama, JALT, speech, teaching, TESOL
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Upcoming drama “Off the Map”
One of our lecturers in performance studies here at Aoyama Gakuin University, Rachel Walzer, is also a talented director and actress. She will be directing, and acting in, the play “Off the Map” at the end of this month. It’s … Continue reading
Performing Arts Festival in Tokyo
Art can help us to think about the big questions in life, such as, “Why are we here?” “What’s the purpose of life?” and “How can we connect to others?” After the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that took place … Continue reading