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Category Archives: Outside Events
Stress, Trauma, and Job Burn-out
Topics of this free seminar will include: Traumas (e.g., disasters, violence, accidents, illnesses, divorces, etc.)/ daily stress/ sleep disturbances/ depression/ fatigue/ diabetes/ heart disease/ addictions/ effective treatment of stress/ compassion fatigue and burn-out. The speaker, Joseph Naoshi Ozawa, Ph.D. is … Continue reading
Lecture on Ageing & Ending Well
This seminar is designed for those who deal with aging parents and relatives, and for the “elderly” themselves. Topics will include: Maintaining physical health/ Diagnoses of dementia/ Alzheimer’s/ Advanced healthcare directives/ Integrative healthcare strategies for successful ageing/ Mortality/ Preparing ourselves, … Continue reading
Teaching English as an International Language
EVENT: Lecture on Teaching Materials in English as an international language SPEAKER: Aya Matsuda (Arizona State University) WHEN: June 28th (Friday), 18:00-19:30 FEE: Free for members of the Tokyo Chapter of JALT–1000 yen for non-members RSVP: Contact Jim McKinley–[email protected] WHERE: … Continue reading
Japan’s Revised Labor Contract Law
EVENT: Talk on Japan’s Revised Labor Contract Law SPEAKER: Yumiko Nakajima (General Secretary of the National Union of General Workers) WHEN: July 3rd (Wed), 18:00-19:30 WHERE: Sophia University, FEE: Free for members of the Tokyo Chapter of JALT–1000 yen for non-members … Continue reading
Musical by the Tokyo International Players
The Tokyo International Players invite you to enjoy their version of the musical Into the Woods, to be performed from May 16th – 19th in Shinjuku. There will be six performances in total. Tickets can be reserved online. Student discounts … Continue reading
Earth Day Tokyo 2013
Earth Day takes place every year on April 22nd. It’s a day that’s been set aside for thinking about the earth and for discussing how the environment can be made cleaner and healthier. It started in the US in 1970 … Continue reading
10 Steps to Take to Prepare for a Quake
Two years (and 9,577 noticeable aftershocks–as of yesterday) have passed since the 3/11 triple disasters. In the interest of ensuring the health and safety of our AGU community, I am reposting some helpful information from the “Surviving in Japan” blog. It … Continue reading
Posted in Events at AGU, Outside Events
Tagged disaster, earthquake, preparedness, risk, survival
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Emergency Preparedness
The following information from the “Surviving in Japan” blog is being posted here for your convenience. As we look back on the dark, uncertain days on and immediately after 3/11, it is worthwhile to review our emergency preparedness to keep … Continue reading
Posted in Events at AGU, Outside Events
Tagged disaster, earthquake, preparedness, tsunami
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Upcoming drama “No Exit” by Jean-Paul Sartre
“No Exit” is a one-act play written by the French existentialist and playwright Jean-Paul Sartre, who was also a novelist, screenwriter, literary critic and political activist. The play features three characters–Estelle, Garcin and Inez–who find themselves locked in a hotel … Continue reading