Topic: A talk on a new documentary: TOHOKU NO SHINGETSU
Location: Aoyama Campus, 本多記念国際会議場 Building 17, 6th Floor, Honda Auditorium

Time: 1:20 PM to 2:50 PM (3rd period)
Ms. Linda Ohama is an award-winning Japanese-Canadian filmmaker who produced and directed the film Obachan’s Garden. She will speak about the creation of her latest documentary film “Tohoku no Shingetsu” (“New Moon Over Tohoku”), which concerns the experiences of people in Tohoku who were affected by the earthquake/ tsunami/ nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 and its aftermath.
The speaker has just returned from film festivals in Vancouver, Calgary, and Honolulu where her film was shown to critical acclaim and sold-out auditoriums. After her talk at AGU she will be heading to the Rome Independent Film festival in Italy and speak at the University of Rome.
You may view one of Linda Ohama’s previous films, Obachan’s Garden, in its entirety at the website of the National Film Board of Canada.
It would useful for students and teachers who plan to attend the lecture to do some background reading on the film the speaker will mainly be talking about, “Tohoku no Shingetsu,” by exploring this posting: カナダ人が追った東日本大震災 ドキュメンタリー映画『東北の新月』今秋完成に向け編集進む and viewing the excellent official page for the film.. Also, follow the Facebook page associated with the film at: