In this talk, the guest speaker will explain how, using artistic expression, she bridged the cultural gaps between the country of her birth (Canada) and the country of her ancestry (Japan). A third generation Canadian of Japanese descent (sansei), Linda Ohama is a visual artist, educator, and independent filmmaker. Her films and paintings have been exhibited and shown across Europe, Canada, the U.S., and Japan.

From her first film (“The Last Harvest,” 1992), which gave an account of the threats to family farmers in North America from a personal point of view, to her most recent film (“Tohoku no Shingestu: Stories from Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima,” 2015), Linda Ohama links the personal with wider social and cultural issues, and the universal themes that bind us all together.
She will guide us through her life’s journey, from a young struggling artist in the 1970s to the more confident and mature film director and master of relationship building that she is today.
Speaker: Ms. Linda Ohama
Topic: A talk on the career of a documentary filmmaker: Linda Ohama
Location: Bldg. 17, 6th Floor, Honda Memorial Hall (AGU–Shibuya Campus)
Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (2nd period)