The Tokyo English Life Line and Aoyama Gakuin University are proud to present a screening of the documentary film “Hafu,” which addresses issues related to being a mixed-race Japanese in present-day Japan. Interweaving five unique life stories narrated by bicultural people of various ages, the film guides viewers through accounts of a variety of experiences that are influenced by upbringing, family relationships, education, and physical appearance.
You may view the official trailer here:
This FREE event will include an introduction by Vickie Skorji, the director of the Tokyo English Life Line, as well as a panel discussion, which will follow the screening. The panel will be made up of bicultural individuals along with “returnees.”
EVENT: Showing of the documentary “Half” (with short talk and panel discussion)
WHEN: July 1, 2014 (Tuesday)
18:45 [doors open]; 19:00 [introduction]; 19:15 [film starts]; 20:50 – 21:20 [discussion panel]
PRICE: FREE / Open to students, alumni, friends of TELL and the general public
WHERE: Bldg. 17, 6th Floor, Honda Memorial Hall (Aoyama Gakuin University–Shibuya Campus)