Musical by the Tokyo International Players

The Tokyo International Players invite you to enjoy their version of the musical [Title of Show], to be performed from February 6th – 9th at the Trance Mission Theatre in Sangubashi. There will be five performances in total. Tickets can be reserved online. Student discounts are available.

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Here is the way the play is described at the TIP Web site:

A musical written in 2006 that chronicles its own creation as an entry in the New York Musical Theatre Festival, and follows the struggles of the author and composer/lyricist and their two actress friends during the initial brief (three-week) creative period, along with subsequent events leading up to the show’s production.

EVENT: The musical “[Title of Show]”
WHEN: February 6th – 9th
WHERE: Trance Mission Theatre in Sangubashi (Click HERE for a map)

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