JALT (the Japan Association of Language Teaching) is made up of 34 regional chapters and 27 SIGs–special interest groups. There’s a national conference each year (this year it will be held in Kobe) and the other large-scale conference is the JALT PanSIG, featuring all of the special interest groups in the organization. The next PanSIG will take place in Nagoya on May 18 & 19, 2013. The conference theme is “From Many, One: Collaboration, Cooperation, and Community.” Speakers who wish to give presentations at that conference are now being sought, particularly for a forum by three SIGs that are joining up in a partnership: Japanese as a Second Language (JSL), Lifelong Language Learning (LLL) and Other Language Educators (OLE). Please see the attached PDF for more information about how you can be a part of a forum on the topic “Teachers as Lifelong Learners.”
EVENT: PanSIG 2013 Conference
WHEN: May 18 & 19, 2013
WHERE: Nanzan University, Nagoya (Click HERE for a map of the conference venue)
DEADLINE: For proposals to participate in the forum–February 11th; for proposals to present individually–February 15th