You are invited to a special screening of the film “Glenn Gould Hereafter,” a 2005 Canadian/ French documentary directed by Bruno Monsaingeon. Glenn Gould was a famous 20th century Canadian classical pianist. He is particularly well known as an interpreter of Bach’s keyboard music. Before the film is shown, a brief introduction will be provided by Junichi Miyazawa, professor for “Reproduction Arts,” School of Cultural and Creative Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University. The dialog of the film is in English, but Japanese subtitles have been provided by Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy (supervised by Junichi Miyazawa).
EVENT: Brief talk and screening of “Glenn Gould Hereafter”
WHEN: Tuesday, November 6, 2012; 3:50 PM – 5:50 PM
WHERE: Room 17411 (4th floor, Building 17), Aoyama Gakuin University Campus (Shibuya)
COST: FREE! No booking is required.