IE Orientation for Teachers 2012

The 19th Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching (AKA IE Orientation) will take place on Friday, April 6th this year. Several teachers in the IE Program have generously agreed to speak on issues of common interest, including apps for teachers and students, drama in the classroom, and ways to teach reading. For the first time, we will also host a “swap shop” of activities that have worked well for us in our AGU classes. Read summaries of the sessions by downloading this Word file.

Faculty, both full and part-time, at other departments at AGU may feel free to participate in the symposium. Interested parties should RSVP Joseph Dias or Gregory Strong.

EVENT: IE Teachers Orientation / 19th Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching

WHEN: April 6, 2012 (Friday), from 8:30 AM

WHERE: Goucher Hall (Building 15), Conference Room 13, 15-501, 15-502, 15-401 [Initially, teachers will meet in Conference Room 13 in Goucher Hall (5th Floor).]

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